Friday, February 28, 2014

Slippery Days

Hey guys this is the first post I'm making on this blog  and I'm hoping you'll hear me out. Okay, so today I was walking home from school and I happened to trip on a long diagonally slated chunk of ice. I noticed how instead of just being on long chuck the ice was instead slanted downwards toward the street and was collected most on the curb. So, I decided to do some research of my own in order to find out why this was happening. I found out that the reason the ice was like that was due to how it changed states of matter. Through my research I found that the original substance that collected in that very spot was liquid water. The water collected near the curb stayed as a liquid at first but than froze and became a solid because it had ended up hitting its freezing point, or the temperature at which it turns into a solid. Now, because of that the ice has ended up collecting on the curb and slanting downwards toward the road just like the liquid water once did. From this research I have also concluded that a change in state is a physical change that happens to a material after a change in thermal energy. I have posted the video I used to help me come up with this conclusion up above. Thanks for reading and if you have any questions then make sure to ask at